International conference: Using nature as a guide

Slotevent Process oriented nature conservation (PONC)

  • Inhoud

    In the Erasmus+ project ‘Process oriented nature conservation: towards a wilder, cheaper and more robust nature management’ (PONC), the project team explored how restoring and allowing more natural processes in our landscape could benefit biodiversity and climate resilience, but also cost efficiency and economy, e.g. in agriculture.

    During this final project conference, we want to share these insights with you, supported by international keynote speakers from a different background.

    Click here for full programme and registration form

    June 12th and 13th 2023

    De Soeverein, Sportveldenstraat 10, 3920 Lommel, Belgium

    June 12th

    • 1pm - 5pm: Conference with international speakers including:
      • Charlie Burrell (Knepp Estate, UK)
      • Liesbeth Bakker (professor in Rewilding Ecology, WUR, NL)
      • Jörgen Andersson (Fjällbete/Savory Institute Nordic Hub, SE)
    • 5pm - 7pm: Networking event

    June 13th

    • Field visits to Sigma Plan, Bosland, Kempen~Broek and Rivierpark Maasvallei

    More information on and


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